Thursday, September 20, 2012

Whole30, take 4!

So I made it to day 25 this time on Whole30 before falling off, which is much much better then my last two attemps where I only made it about a week each time. It's frustrating because it's not FOOD that derails me, it's the darn diet coke. I have major emotional ties to it it would seem, and it's a little embarrassing to admit that it wasn't a lovely pasta binge that has set me back, but a measly 44oz soda. I am telling myself that this is good though, I am figuring out my triggers and now can make game plans for when those happen. The biggest hurdle is the Peanut, he is still not sleeping and the 7-10 wake ups a night turn me into a mess after a couple weeks. After talking to BHE (Best Husband Ever) and completely breaking down in exhausted tears, we have formulated a game plan for us both dealing with him at night in a way that we both get a decent 5ish hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Time to go hit the restart button for the whole30 and put the smackdown on this soda crap.

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